
Paleomagnetic study of igneous rocks of Kohistan arc, northern Pakistan : Paleoposition and crustal rotations of Kohistan island arc (AHMAD Mirza Naseer et al., 2002)

項 目 内 容
論文題名(英語) Paleomagnetic study of igneous rocks of Kohistan arc, northern Pakistan : Paleoposition and crustal rotations of Kohistan island arc
資料名(英語) Program and Abstracts, International Symposium on the Amalgamation of Precambrian Blocks and the Role of the Paleozoic Orogens in Asia (PPO-Asia)(Memorial Symposium for Prof. Teruo WATANABE), September 5-7, 2002, Hokkaido University, SAPPORO, Japan, GRG/GIGE Miscellaneous Publication No.16
著者(英語) AHMAD Mirza Naseer, FUJIWARA Yoshiki, PARSAD Lalu, DAS Kausik
発行年 2002
発行者(英語) PPO-ASIA Organizing Committee, Sappro
論文の言語区分 英語 (English)
ISBN 4-938925-13-3c
ID 200300775