
Additional Demonstration of Alkali and REE Fractionations of Acapulcoites; New Results for ALHA81187, ALHA81261 and EET84302 (MORIKAWA Noritoshi & NAKAMURA Noboru, 1996)

項 目 内 容
論文題名(英語) Additional Demonstration of Alkali and REE Fractionations of Acapulcoites; New Results for ALHA81187, ALHA81261 and EET84302
資料名(英語) Lunar and Planetary Science! Abstracts of papers submitted to the Twenty-Seventh Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
著者(英語) MORIKAWA Noritoshi, NAKAMURA Noboru
発行年 1996
発行者(英語) NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), LPI (Lunar and Planetary Institute), USRA (Universities Space Research Association)
論文の言語区分 英語 (English)
ID 200300908