
Formation of Acid Volcanic Brines through Interaction of Magmatic Gases, Seawater, and Rock within the White Island Volcanic-Hydrothermal System, New Zealand (GIGGENBACH Werner F. et al., 2003)

項 目 内 容
論文題名(英語) Formation of Acid Volcanic Brines through Interaction of Magmatic Gases, Seawater, and Rock within the White Island Volcanic-Hydrothermal System, New Zealand
資料名(英語) Volcanic, Geothermal, and Ore-Forming Fluids: Rulers and Witnesses of Processes within the Earth, Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists, Number 10
著者(英語) GIGGENBACH Werner F., SHINOHARA Hiroshi, KUSAKABE Minoru, OHBA Takeshi
発行年 2003
発行者(英語) Society of Eeconomic Geologists
論文の言語区分 英語 (English)
アブストラクトの言語区分 英語 (English)
ISBN 1-887483-90-X
ID 200423521