項 目 | 内 容 |
論文題名(英語) | In-Situ Crustal Stress Variation before and after the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake around the Epicenter |
資料名(英語) | Proceedings 8th International Symposium on the Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling, Tsukuba, Japan Feb.26-28, 1996(Symposium) Feb.29-Mar.2, 1996(Excursion) |
著者(英語) | IKEDA Ryuji, IIO Yoshihisa, OMURA Kentaro |
頁 | 393-398 |
発行年 | 1996 |
発行者(英語) | National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention(NIED), Science and Technology Agency(STA), Geological Survey of Japan(GSJ), Agency of Industrial Science and Technology(AIST) |
論文の言語区分 | 英語 (English) |
ID | 200730335 |