
Phase Relations in the System MgO-FeO-SiO2 up to 50 GPa and 2000C : an Application of Experimental Techniques Using Kawai-type Multi-anvil Apparatus with Sintered Diamond Anvils(MR11A-0093)(poster session)(abs.) (TANGE Yoshinori et al., 2006)

項 目 内 容
論文題名(英語) Phase Relations in the System MgO-FeO-SiO2 up to 50 GPa and 2000C : an Application of Experimental Techniques Using Kawai-type Multi-anvil Apparatus with Sintered Diamond Anvils(MR11A-0093)(poster session)(abs.)
資料名(英語) EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 2006 AGU Fall Meeting
著者(英語) TANGE Yoshinori, TAKAHASHI Eiichi, FUNAKOSHI Ken-ichi, IRIFUNE Tetsuo
発行年 2006
発行者(英語) American Geophysical Union
論文の言語区分 英語 (English)
ISSN 00963941
ID 200730875