
Toward understanding the nature of Moho deduced from amplitude modeling of wide-angle seismic data along the northern Izu-Bonin island arc(V41B-1718)(poster session)(abs.) (SATO Takeshi et al., 2006)

項 目 内 容
論文題名(英語) Toward understanding the nature of Moho deduced from amplitude modeling of wide-angle seismic data along the northern Izu-Bonin island arc(V41B-1718)(poster session)(abs.)
資料名(英語) EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 2006 AGU Fall Meeting
著者(英語) SATO Takeshi, KODAIRA Shuichi, TAKAHASHI Narumi, ITO Aki, KANEDA Yoshiyuki
発行年 2006
発行者(英語) American Geophysical Union
論文の言語区分 英語 (English)
ISSN 963941
ID 200731557