項 目 | 内 容 |
論文題名(英語) | On the Geological History of the Tertiary System in the Southwestern Part of the Abukuma Mountainland, with Special Reference to the Geological Meaning of the Tanakura Sheared Zone |
資料名(英語) | Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Section C: Geology, Mineralogy and Geography |
著者(英語) | OMORI Masae |
巻 | 6 |
号 | 51 |
頁 | 55-116 |
発行年 | 1958 |
発行者(英語) | Geological and Mineralogical Institute, Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku |
論文の言語区分 | 英語 (English) |
備考 | Geological map of Shirakawa City and Tanakura-machi District ! Geological map of Hitachi-Daigo and Hitachi-Omiya District ! Geological map of Mito City District ! Geological Map of Karasuyama-Machi District ! Geological map of Iwashiro district ! Geological map of the Daigo-machi District ; 矩形範囲情報(左下緯度 = 36.3068, 左下経度 = 140.0743, 右上緯度 = 37.5026, 右上経度 = 140.6283) |
ID | 88820681 |